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Cooperation models

The Jussi Eiramo Foundation sr Foundation carries out goal-oriented work in accordance with its rules with the aim of supporting, promoting and developing international and domestic tourism industry research, training and practice; and to support and nurture the vitality of the fields of education and culture, especially art, crafts and sports, to produce well-being and education for the world's children and youth through its activities, and to increase the knowledge and appreciation of Lapland and other Finnish culture.

Transparency and sustainable development are promoted in all activities

The task of the foundation, when implementing its purpose, is

  • provide funding and awards for professionals, students and hobbyists in the fields of tourism, education, culture and handicrafts, for researchers and students oriented towards the development of the field, as well as for hobbyists, for the tourism industry and the persons and communities engaged in it, as well as for other purposes and objects that sustainably support the purposes of the foundation,
  • organize internships for tourism students in Finland and abroad,
  • support in other ways the hobby and business activities of culture, especially in the fields of arts and crafts.

The recipient of the support can also be a university or other educational institution;

The foundation's cooperation models and the distribution of funding follow clear and simple principles. The grant recipient must meet the criteria regarding the content, duration and target group of the project.

The initiative to grant funding can come directly from the grant applicant, an educational or research institution, or from the foundation itself.

The foundation gives a lot of responsibility to its partners, however, keeping decision-making in all situations with the foundation's board.

The project-specific euro amount and number of financing per project can vary as needed.

The foundation's goal is to be an effective enabler of research work in the aforementioned fields, both alone and possibly in cooperation with other funding providers.
In the fields of science and education, the main cooperation partners are the University of Lapland and other universities and educational institutions operating in Lapland.

The foundation has a positive attitude towards the joint funding projects of the foundations.

Applying for financing

The applicant for funding creates and submits an application in the foundation's electronic grant application portal. The application period is generally October, and the foundation's board decides on applications in December of the same year.

The following must be attached to the application:

  • Project plan
  • Cooperation and/or financing model
  • Budget with cost breakdowns
  • Information about possible other funding received for the same project and submitted applications
  • The applicant's curriculum vitae and diplomas.

The foundation's board meets approx. 4-6 times a year. At every meeting, it is possible to process grant applications and decide on them.

The board can make funding decisions other than based on the applications received in October.

The size and purpose of the granted grant are determined by the foundation's rules, financial strategy and financial planning, as well as the working model and content of the project.

The recipient of funding must provide the foundation with an accurate and clear breakdown of the actual use of the grant.

In matters related to the grant application process, please contact the foundation by email:

Provision of funding

A. The granting of funding such as a grant requires that the applicant commits to the Jussi Eiramo Foundation sr;'s funding strategy and conditions for granting funding:

Beneficiary of funding:

a. Report on the use of the funding received and the progress of the project at possibly agreed intervals during the project by submitting expense monitoring reports, and by submitting a final project report to the foundation after the project has ended.

b. Mentions the Jussi Eiramo Foundation Sr. when communicating about a project for which the foundation has received funding. Communication can take place as public or stakeholder or expert communication using traditional communication methods and social media.

c. Is a researcher of a research project, the author of a dissertation or a similar work, work, plan, etc. alone or together with others mentioned.

d. Is at an earlier stage in his research work than in the middle of the research.

e. Start using the funding during the year following the grant year at the latest.

f. The recipient of the funding must have completed their undergraduate studies before starting the grant work. The foundation must be notified well in advance of starting work, no later than 1 month in advance.


B. The funding is a personal grant primarily for the applied research and it may include the cost share mentioned in the award decision.

C. The criteria for awarding can also be the project's social impact, responsibility, responsible and sustainable implementation, as well as the promotion of internationality and openness, as well as the domesticity of the project and related work.

The decision takes into account the grant applicant's own view of the project's responsibility from the perspective of the UN's sustainable development goals.

D. In the 2024 application, the maximum amount of personal funding is the same as the annual amount of the state grant (€26,269.46 in 2024) as referred to in Section 82(2) of the Income Tax Act. In addition, justified research and travel expenses can be included in the application.

The completion of dissertation projects is not supported or financed.

E. The grant must be used in a Finnish research institute or environment

When the foundation's board decides on the recipients of funding, it has an expert or experts in the relevant field at its disposal.

Applicants are generally notified of funding decisions by email. The decision is not justified.

In matters related to the application process, please contact the foundation by email: